The Receivers: The Terminus

The Receivers:  Terminus
Closing music:
Sea of Souls by Phorme

On the New Moon in Pisces, March 13, 2021

The pivot and the incursion of technology into the realm of the human creational sphere; “Warning Will Robinson'!” 

This will not be a light message. We offer hope, we bring encouragement, and we would that the sum of your world's experiential gestalt provide you all an optimal outcome. That being said, your world is a bleeding, ulcerated wound inside the cosmos in this present period of your linear stream of time. 

While many probable outcomes can, and do, occur in the multiverse, it is the aggregate of the human experience that writes what is called a 'final" chapter. Nations, races, worlds, indeed, entire sectors of galaxies have been demised either by choices, or lack of choosing wisely as regards the course of the physical entity. 

You are spirits, souls, and expressions of Divine Will which is optimally geared towards self- determination, individually and collectively. As part of the soul collective, you do harness yourselves to outcomes that must be honored by creator. 

Now, Ones can diverge—- pursue an alternative path; and collectives, soul groups, and breakaways can elect a course from the dominant momentum. But, understand that this process of splintering accrues to the endless course of more displaced, orphaned fragments of soul-selves which have perpetuated the karmic imbalances resulting in what you call evil. 

There are in your realms those who are underdeveloped soul aspects, “half souls” and “synthetics". Artifacts, as it were, of the ceaseless wars, operations, and rituals which evolved from the dark magic workings of the enslavers. Ritual sexual practices, torture, and misuse of esoteric sciences such as cloning and genetic printing produced those displaced consciousnesses who incarnate as beings without temperament, inhabited by the wandering displaced energies of the accretion fields or what some call "hell". As result, your earth was quarantined to prevent these fields from further encroachment in the galaxy. 

The modern tech culture was spawned from deep magical workings as derivative applications given to various governments by the inter-dimensional offworld controllers with whom they had dalliances going back many millennia in your linear accounting of time.The "gods" of the ancient world used advanced technologies to control the risings and fallings of numerous cultures—- many unrecorded in your existing records. 

The so-called "biblical" period, by example, which is a composite of several time lines and mythological recountings; details, in veiled language, the gifting of technologies to humans who served those beings. The Ark of the covenant was a mobile device of a certain type of etheric or non-fissionable energy 

(Q: I asked what non- fissionable meant? They replied: “Your science as it is now does not understand energy states beyond fission as anything but an abstraction. Even fusion energy. We used the term to mean “non-nuclear”, non-colliding, and non-entropic. It is energy in a state that forms and responds to induction...would be the closest...a volatile ambient flux field. This being itself intelligence in a pure state.”) 

The Hindi Vimanas being also such same forms, but harnessed more temperately—- the quaint legends of flying carpets in certain folklore. The oracular Urim and Thummin of the Aaronic priesthood were similarly a form of technology—- we would say a form of “wearable tech”—-or communicators as such, though also harnessing the energy body of the wearers using advanced tuned crystalline substrates which accessed what you may call today a database coupled to a type of the Akashic records. Also similar was the pre- Islamic Meccan Kabbah stone; and in a later period the Cybils of Greece wherein females were used for divination. These were not primitive peoples! They deployed technologies and alien energies which were obscured in the mists of time. 

Both the Ark and Urrim and Thummin were captured by the Babylonians and secreted by the Chaldean mystics, and later the Essenes, of whom one was the soul you call Jesus the Christ; as a vouchsafe towards a period when humanity would advance in wisdom and consciousness. What is sometimes called The kingdom of God or the thousand years of peace. (It was these, by the way, which the US military, undercover of the Iraq Wars, sought to find in the place called Baghdad, that being the locus of ancient Babylon.) 

The risings and fallings of empires was a game of chess amongst these Gods, who would bequeath technologies under license so to speak. They incited wars and conquests to elicit human passions, drive energies towards opening up undeveloped resources such as the legendary gold mines of Solomon (the Sun King—-or Sun of Man) and his consort, Sheba, the African Queen. Human trafficking was a highly prized franchise of all empires. Especially children. Of these they did fashion biological cyborgs and hybrids. Weaponized humans who became dominant warriors, elite priests, and men of renown. Their blood and incarnation lines persist down through generations even until this day. This was the nexus of your MKUltra. 

These are the scattered seed of the renowned ones which were in all the nations, hidden and maintained by those of the covenant, or what were called covens. The prophecies, as you call them; actually, again, very precise predictive astrological and astronomical algorithms; projected an era when humans could advance again to a state of readiness to accept, and adapt to, levels of technology that could finalize the process of separation from the natural world; and complete the circuitry of the Annunaki grid system as a final synthesis program: an articulated bot network that could be deployed as inter-galactic squadrons in what we term as Inter-dimensional Temporal Warfare programs. 

Now. The key piece in the strategies of the controllers lies in events well understood by the ancient mystery schools on Earth as the coming of the son of man or what is known as apocalypse, cryptically outlined in the book of Revelation. Human DNA is the literal Crown Jewels by which this "full spectrum dominance", on a scale of unimaginable proportions, is predicated. 

Accessing the full 12-strand sequence of the evolved DNA, in concert with the long awaited cosmic initiation of next level consciousness is a time critical event horizon which the controllers have awaited for millennia. Literally. This is the sacred gematria of the 12 stones of the breastplate, 12 tribes, 12 disciples and the 144,000 elect. (as 12 squared is 144 and 1000 the numbering of perfection). 

(Note: this is cryptically expounded in the text of Ezekiel chapters 40-42) 

It is the mystery of the ages and a literal war between worlds for control of a universe. Earth is a fortress--- targeted for the imponderable odds that sentience merged to the soul platform of the Original Creator ~ could be snatched as it were, and harnessed. 

Full 12-strand DNA bridges the temporal creature —-the human biological construct—-to the very fabric of time-space in what is called eternality. Just as in the biblical gene-isis, and the “fall” of the celestial, realms into material form; man came into knowing of good and evil, yet was denied the “tree” ( the extra-dimensional 10 strand sequence) of eternal life—- a metaphoric truism—- this gambit, we would say, is the inverse: NOT eternality, but IMMORTALITY—-yet unawares of a moral code. The hijacking of the “crown of creation" as a means to access realms which the controllers, through their own corruption are denied!! It’s is that which is unlawful or what you call evil. 

Let us clarify terms: immortality is a physical endurance beyond the human norms. There are amongst you those we would call 'immortals', both earth-based beings and those of non- terrestrial origins. They have lived thousands of your earth years because their biologies and vibrational fields are outside of the terrestrial time domain. They may, or may not, be eternal. They of the fallen ones, can, and will succumb, to an ending of their physicality wherein their interface will cease. 

Eternality is the continual state of beingness as the spirit-soul interface, whether in physical or non-physical state. As we have stated previously, not all creatures are granted eternality. It is a gift of the Creator to those whom are so endowed. 

There are also those beings and races who, through acts of agency, have so defiled their estate that their "codes" have been deleted. That is the parable of the giant beings called the Nephillim, children of the fallen ones, which came from the interbreeding experiments with the human women. This, then, is what we call that which is unlawful. 

This is a replay of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1), which was mis-rendered and mis-translated to hide the genetic engineering project of the Controllers—- the "fallen” ones. It is mirrored in several similar legends such as the ziggurat of Eridu under Enki from the Sumerian tablets. In each epoch of history, whereby human empires advanced to a level of technological, societal, and psychological acuity, these same efforts are brought forward to utilize advancing consciousness as a fulcrum into what you call transhumanism. 

In each instance, empires would rise to power, gain access to technologies, attain great expansion. Influence, and wealth; then crumble under the weight of their violence and decadence until they be divided and subsumed. This was the tragedies of many great empires, notably Lemuria, Atlantis, and the great civilization of what is now called Antarctica. 

Your historical Roman empire had a god whose name was Terminus. Terminus was the guardian of boundaries since wherever there was a terminus marker there could be no arguments about where your boundaries ended and began. The Romans celebrated the Terminus with an annual festival, the Terminalia, when images of the god were draped with flower garlands. 

Your own terminus has long been the boundaries of your soul-spirit interface held in the sacred codes of your genetic structure. This knowledge was hidden, held by secret societies and priesthoods who were the appointed keepers of mans destiny. 

Shrouded in arcane tongues and distorted holy books, the precise understanding of what comprised this bridge between the temporal and the eternal was lost to human history since the crumbling of Atlantis. 

It was the late 19th century Moravian monk, Gregor Mendel, who opened the doorway to what you now call the science of genetics. His work, though opposed by the church, and disputed by the later Darwinists, launched the dramatic pursuit to “break” the code of genetics over the next 70 years. 

In fact, this is the public presentment of the story which climaxed with the “discovery” of the double helix DNA structure—-a bit of scientific treachery, as that structure was stolen by the competitors, Watson and Krick, from the researcher, Rosalind Franklin and her associate, Raymond Gosling. 

The Human Genome Project was funded by the US National Institute of Health in 1985, but paralleled by a private research project run by former NIH scientist, Craig Venter and his Celebra Genomics corporation, using a more expeditious methodology, raced to “decode” the human genetic sequence, culminating in a joint announcement in July of 2000. 

That is the exoteric story which is for the consumption of the unwitting public. In fact, the Nazi scientists, working with off-world intelligence during the Second World War, already possessed, and were working with, advanced models of the genetic codes under their Übermensch programs. Your history is a fascinating web of deceit! 

Chimera programs were well established in the United States in the 1940s. Cloning and human hybridization experiments, begun under the Nazis, were conducted under numerous black budget programs from the 1950s forward in the U.S., the Soviet Union, and in Switzerland. In-utero cellular alterations became practical by the 1950s, as well. 

The SARSCorona2 viruses, from which came your COVID-19 “pandemic”, is the pretext by which to launch wide scale, even universal vaccines containing genetic binding messenger RNA proteins which mimic the double helix structure of DNA as you know it. 

The mRNA vaccines are, shall we say, the first forays into what is called the man-machine interface. The virus organism is already documented as being a vector for covalencing to certain of the DNA base pairs by your above- ground research scientists. 

More deeply, experiments with introducing nano- organisms are understood by black science operations and are, in fact, legacy technologies of a previous age on earth, as well as off-world operations. These nano-organisms are of a quality we would term machine replicants or nano-bots, which are already introduced into your environment via various geoengineering operations. 

While this first round of the Covid vaccines are just the initial incursion into the human RNA/DNA levels; the. Controllers will attempt to “stair step” into successive applications by deploying variants of the viruses, with the attendant “solutions” being increasingly sophisticated vaccines—-this is already being pre-announced in your media if you pay close attention. 

Thus, has the terminus been voided, “...and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.” (Genesis 11:6). The “tower” of Babel was not a ziggurat, it was the spiral of human DNA in full 12 strand array. 

Covid conditioned the populace, via fear indoctrination, to accept their diseases—-which we have previously told you are digitally transmitted—-and their solutions which are the pretext to a biological singularity. 

These events have been engineered through increasing vaccine programs over the last 30 years which widened acceptance and prepared the human biology for nanobots via heavy metal adjuvants such as Thiomersal, an organo-mercury compound. Humans, under natural conditions, do not require vaccine immunizations—-these are by- products of your increasingly industrialized environment which breaks down the organic processes of resistance to hostile organisms. 

The programs of hybridization and trans-specism are neither new or unique. They have been run both on your planet and other worlds for eons. Many races of beings have succumbed to the pitfalls of this technology creating this same terminus which humankind on earth now face. 

We would cite the fate of the robotoid alien grays, which many experiencers of E.T. abductions reference as being cold and mechanistic. These beings, who are now largely advanced semi-organic machines, survive in a state of perpetual animation, lacking emotional affect, connection to source, and with no possible return to their former estate as sentient, soul embodied , eternal expressions of divine will. Their eternity code severed from the "tree" of life. 

The effects of transhumanism in the off-worlds has divided the creation and impacted events in cascades of chaos across time lines, dimensions, and the very fabric of the sub-quantum foundation. Again, earth is a fortress which anchors this galaxy to the Divine Intent. 

Your ancestors have gathered around you even as the devices of the Unlawful are being deployed in this realm. The continuance of that which is called human in this sector is precarious, but far from decided. The balance lies in the few on this world. 

Three generations, a span of 60 years, now inhabit earth of whom were called to come forward in the shifting of the age. Some of the least of you—-as you have perceived yourselves—-are the vanguard of resistance. Across ages past you were hunted, stalked, killed, and haunted by these inter dimensional predators. 

You stood at the gates and cried: “Send us” into that dark time. It is your vibrational fields which prevent the full onslaught of this race to extinction. It is your presence, your determination, and your vision which has quickened the pulse of humanity in the superconscious field to begin pushing back. 

Your words, efforts, prayers, and intercessions move your allies who dwell both in the celestials and even here on the earth. Do not be dismayed, do not turn back. 

Protections will be provided, places of safety and rest will unfold. The next three years are the pivot of destiny for not just earth, but all the realms to which it connects. Be strong, be bold, and know you are loved inexplicably. We have much more to tell you, but for now this is what you can bear. 

Take from this that which is profitable, discard that which does not resonate.
Trust your own promptings and inner guides and The knowing which is placed inside you. 

We are the Receivers. We are you. Peace/out. 


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